Twins, says Dr. Judith G. ... Fraternal twins are known to arise when two eggs are released from the ovaries, get fertilized and implant together in the womb. In contrast, identical twins start out as a single embryo, split, and then develop as separate individuals in the womb.
Answer: d)All of the above
Explanation: Competitive effect is defined as the interaction created between species or organism , which usually results in negative situation. There are certain condition for the competition such as supply of any resource in limited quantity, etc.So competition is also invoked by the density of the species present and in order to exist in an ecosystem and thus there is the high chances of the overlapping of species as well.
Therefore,option(d) is the correct option.
The style is the long tube that attaches the stigma to the ovary. Sperm from the pollen will travel down this tube to the ovules. The ovules, or eggs, are stored in the ovary until they are fertilized. Plants can only fertilize eggs of the same species.
what are the conditions
I know that hot water helps and i know that moving the tea bags helps
Because when the sale starts invited it starts out as a singular cell, then divide itself into two and it continues to divide itself. So the answer that would make the most sense would be W because it starts out with only two.