Publishing a sale price for an item that is not available
This will be misleading to the market and will break the law as the company must provide promotions for products that are available only
Organizational expense amortized over fifteen years for purposes of determining taxable income results in an upper adjustment in the initial years to book income on the Schedule Minus−1 when the expense is being amortized over ten years for book income purposes.
A. Radio Frequency Identification
The use of radio frequency identification is to ensure a timely identification of people or objects.
The technology uses radio waves to identify people or objects. There is a device that will be used to read information contained in a wireless device or tags from a distance without making physical contact or requiring a line of sight.
A. can afford to take on additional risk; increases
Saying that Risk and Return go hand in hand, tells us that you <u>can afford to take additional risk </u> as the length of the investment horizon <u>increases</u>. Increasing the length of the investment horizon increases the ability to take on additional risk because in the long run the investment pays off while it may be choppy in the short time horizon.