In the interpersonal communication process, these experiences are best interpreted as<u> "filter of life experience".</u>
Interpersonal communication is the procedure by which individuals trade data, sentiments, and importance through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face correspondence.
Interpersonal communication isn't just about what is really said - the dialect utilized - however how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through manner of speaking, outward appearances, signals and non-verbal communication.
Imperialism in Africa was the period in which European powers had control over the contries in Africa. It's effects today are:
- European powers have exported a lot of natural resources from Africa
-Most African countries have a European language as one of its official languages
- the borders of African countries don't follow the ethnic lines, which causes ethnic tensions.
- a number of which people have settled in southern part of Africa, which leads to racial tensions today.
Affirmative Action isn't ethical. There is no real theory that justifies it.
I doubt that this reasoning is based on any rational theory. In the first place, you can't repay the sins of a past generation by placing burdens on a generation living presently. That simply requiring one group of people to suffer for what another group did. And, anyway, the theory doesn't work for white people. When whites suffer enslavement, as they have in the past, at the hands of Mongols, or at the hands of Arabs, then nobody raises the subject of Affirmative Action. In other words, whatever "theory" is being used, isn't being used consistently. And that means that the ostensible justification for Affirmative Action isn't the real reason that it is used.
It can be both but more likely beneficial because the investors wants to make a profit not a loss