You can not see between opaque materials because light cannot pass through them.
Ionic bonds form between two or more atoms by the transfer of 1 or more electrons between atoms. Electron transfer produces negative ions called anions and positive ions called cations. ... In forming an chemical bond, the sodium atom, which is electropositive, loses its negatron to chlorine.
Alpha particles, Beta particles, Gamma rays
Alpha Is the least harmful
Beta is second most harmful
Gamma is most dangerous
pH of the acetyl choline solution before incubation = 7.65
pH of the solution after incubation = 6.87
The difference in concentration of hydronium ion before and after incubation
This difference in hydronium ion concentration can be attributed to the increase in the concentration of acetic acid, which is formed when acetylcholine is hydrolyzed by acetycholinesterase. The mole ratio of acetylcholine to acetic acid is 1:1.
Therefore the moles of acetylcholine = 
ml and cm3
millilitres and centimetres cubed or litres and metres cubed. Any unit of measuring liquid if the substance is a a liquid or a unit cubed