here yuuuurrrrr Vote for me nah jk
Semaphores carries the signal between the task and interrupts that does not carry any type of additional data in the embedded system. A semaphore is used as synchronization object and helps in maintain the value between zero and the specific higher value.
It basically reduced the value each time and complete the semaphore object in the embedded system. Binary semaphores is the main type of semaphore that invoke activation of the task.
If user output is ''red purble yellow exit'': red purple yellow import java.util.Scanner; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.StringWriter; public class StringStreamOutput { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner snr = new Scanner(; Stringuseritem = ''''; StringWriter itemcharStream = new StringWriter(); PrinterWriter itemsOSS = new PrintWriter(itemcharStream); System.out.printIn(''Enter items (type Exit to open):''); useritem =; while (!userItems.Equals(''Exit'')) { /*Your solution goes here*/ UserItem = scnr.nxt(); } useritem = itemCharStream.toString() System.out.printin(useritem); return; } }
<em>Computer-based learning (CBL) is the term used for any kind of learning with the help of computers. Computer-based learning makes use of the interactive elements of the computer applications and software and the ability to present any type of media to the users.</em>