C. It is a male with atleast one dominant allele
In the given pedigree, the two normal parents of the generation I have one daughter with the attached earlobe. Since the trait is recessive, the daughter should be homozygous recessive to express the trait. The genotype of the daughter (shaded circle in generation II) is "aa". To have a daughter with "aa" genotype, both the parents should have one copy of "a" allele. So, the genotype of both parents is "Aa".
In generation II, individual A is non-shaded square. Squares represent males in a pedigree. Since its not shaded, it does not have attached earlobe. Both the parents are heterozygous dominant for attached earlobes (Aa x Aa = 1/4 AA : 1/2 Aa : 1/4 aa). The genotype of this individual may be AA or Aa.
A scientific question is a question that is based on observations and that is testableThe scientist asks a new question about the impact of climate change on the species because the results of the investigation led to new scientific questions. Correct answer: C
There are different types of soils and it is made up of different layers or horizon such as A, B, C, O, R and E. Together all the horizons forming soil profile. Each horizon containing different soil types.
O horizon: Known as top layer of the soil which contains layer of organic matter which is about two inches thick, and made up of humus such as decomposing leaves, dark-colored, carbon rich matter, twigs and microbial biomass which is mixed with small grained minerals for the formation of aggregate structures.
Background extinction
The background extinction refers to the diminishing of the species at a fairly slow and constant rate. This extinction takes place because of the various environmental factors namely the changing climatic conditions, spreading of diseases, and destruction of habitat. It plays an important role in the natural process of evolution. This has been taking place continuously throughout the geological time and the species are undergoing continuous evolution over a specific period of time.