1. Adenoblast: <span>adeno = gland; blast = immature cell/tissue
2. A</span>denoma: <span>adeno = gland; oma = benign tumor
</span>3. Adenocarcinoma: <span>adeno= gland; carcinoma = malignant tumor
</span>4. Hypoxia: <span>hyp = deficiencies; oxia = oxygen
</span>5. Homograft: <span>homo = same; graft = transplant
</span>6. Hyperplasia: <span>hyper = too much/alot; plasia = growth/formation
</span>7. Aplasia: <span>a = without; plasia = growth/formation
</span>8. Abscission: <span> ab = away from; cission = cutting
</span>9. Excise: <span>ex = out; cise = cut
</span>10. Debridement: <span>de = away; ment = action</span>
I believe the correct answer is<em> </em><u><em>C. mRnA translation. </em></u>
Because the gene expression is controlled on two levels. First, transcription is controlled by limiting the amount of mRNA that is produced from a particular gene. The second level of control is through post-transcriptional events that regulate the translation of mRNA into proteins.
These are type of White blood cells W.B.C ,present almost 2% of white cells . About twice the size of red blood cells , Nucleus is bi lobed . They are often used for parasite attack , Inactivate inflammation and production of substances .
Answer:1.Yes plants take in carbon dioxide for "air" they need water to keep hydrated sunlight helps it make food.
2.Then the entire process of photosynthesis would crash. If no carbon dioxide the plant would not be able to breath and die, No water and it dies of thrist and no sunlight and the plant shivers and dies.
Ethylene is a hormone required to trigger fruit ripening, and it can be blocked by using synthetic compounds, such as 1-methyl-cyclo-propene (1-MCP).