This is not Biology, it's math. You have too do what you did on the other problems which is convert them all too decimals using a calculator. Make sure too write them down and them just find which number is more or less.
First, a physical property just identifies it's state, how it looks, color, and that stuff. Let's work on finding that.
⇔ Ability to rust wouldn't work as a physical property. That one changes the substance, making it a chemical change. So, we know that this can certainly be our answer!
D) The smoke would settle around cities, reducing visibility.
In DNA, there are four possible nitrogen bases – adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In DNA, nucleotides combine to form two long chains that intertwine with each other, like a ladder that has twisted into a spiral.
Answer and Explanation :
When we begin to move, the brain first sends a signal to the spinal cord, then nerve cells in the spinal cord control the precise coordination of the muscles. The results also indicate that each part of the brainstem controls a certain aspect of moving—either running or walking.