<h2>Match terms with its description</h2><h2 />
Acid -<em> </em><em>a compound that increases hydrogen ion (H+) when it is dissolved in a solution</em>
example of acid is HCl acid which dissociate in solution to give H+ ion and Cl- ion
Alkaline - <em>a compound that increases hydroxide ions (OH-) when it is dissolved in a solution.</em>
example of alkaline is NaOH which it dissociate in solution to give (OH-) and Na+ ions
PH- <em>value from 0 to 14 that is used to specify how acidic or basic a compound is when it is dissolved in water.</em>
<em> </em>A compound with a Ph below 7 is an acid while a compound with a pH above 7 is alkaline .
PH of 7 is for neutral compounds.
Ion - <em>at atom or molecule that has a positive or negative charge.</em>
for example Na+ ion which is positively charged and Cl- ion which is negatively charged.