For early earth, it was filled with loads of oxygen and could kill humans if they breathed the oxygen that was in the air about 100 million years ago. This massive amount of oxygen cause massive creatures like the dinosaurs to exist. Current earth has an atmosphere with not too much oxygen.
By increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels
Cortisol, corticosterone, and cortisone are the glucocorticoids released by the adrenal cortex and serve to impart resistance to stress. These hormones stimulate protein breakdown (mainly in muscle cells), gluconeogenesis and lipolysis and thereby increase the concentration of amino acids, glucose and fatty acids in blood.
The amino acids are used by cells for synthesis of new proteins or for synthesis of ATP. Glucose is also used by cells to produce ATPs.
Glucocorticorticoids increase the sensitivity of blood vessels for hormones which in turn stimulate their constriction. The vasoconstriction raises blood pressure. The process of vasoconstriction resumes the normal range of blood pressure which is otherwise dropped by some emergency conditions such as injury and severe loss of blood.
They fight against infections and disease.
if there was no photosynthesis, then we won't have plants. Plants will die out, and we will not get the oxygen needed to survive.
Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy