Ida Tarbell, a journalist who authored the book The History of Standard Oil exposed that Standard Oil has violated the Sherman Anti-trust Act(competition law) which led to Rockefeller Oil company break-up. According to her investigative journalism, Rockefeller has been practicing illegal, unfair and immoral business strategies.
Answer: 1 freely determine their governments
Federalism is a compromise meant to eliminate the disadvantages of both systems. In a federal system, power is shared by the national and state governments. so information is shared throughout the gov.
The vast majority of Africans are either Christian or Muslim.
The citizens of Athens decided matters of state in the Assembly of the People, the principle organ of Athen’s democracy. The Athenian democracy provided a number of governmental resources to its population in order to encourage participation in the democratic process. Many governmental posts in classical Athens were chosen by lot, in an attempt to discourage corruption and patronage. The Athenian elite lived relatively modestly, and wealth and land were not concentrated in the hands of the few, but rather distributed fairly evenly across the upper classes. Thetes occupied the lowest rung of Athenian society, but were granted the right to hold public office during the reforms of Ephialtes and Pericles.