If your lymphatic system stopped working properly fluid would build in your tissues and cause swelling. You could get infections, blockage and even cancer. If your immune system stopped working properly too then you would most likely die. Since your lymphatic system is down and your immune system is down it would weaken your body tremendously meaning the smallest cold could cause death.
Components of a Comprehensive Exercise Program. The optimal exercise program will address health related physical fitness components of CRF, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, body composition, and neuromotor fitness.
DUI, fines, court ordered treatment, jail time, job loss and more
Call 911 would be the best thing to do.
Ketamin is
mainly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia that induces a trance-like
state providing pain relief, sedation, and memory loss. Social consequences or
side effects of having been induced with this drug are psychological reactions
like agitation, confusion, or psychosis. Which happens as the medication wears
off. Other health-related effects of the drug to the body are urinary tract and
liver problems. It also said to cause elevation in blood pressure and muscle
<span>World Health
Organization listed this drug as one of the Essential Medicines needed in a
basic health system. </span>