State of excitation or stimulation will keep on progressing.
IF dopaine is a type of neurotransmitter that is released from the nerve ending upon excitation and stimulation.
This neurotransmitter need to be removed when the work is done else the state of excitation or stimulation will keep on progressing or will be in continuous state of excitation thereby causing neural harm.
Technology has taken over people nowdays. The avarege person spends up too 3 hours a day on there phones,which doesnt sound that bad but that adds up to over 35 days a year on there phones. Video games and phones distract from exersise and proper health. Many people when in bed stare at there phones for hours not sleeping. Decresed sleep is not good for your overall health.People spend too much time sedentary on there phones or Tvs. People should get an hour to 75 min a day exersing. It can even be a walk in the park but movment would help. I think tecnology has put a big effect on human health and has made us lazy.
Being healthy is a positive trait. But i don't think it is realistic at a young age. But if it's a high school maybe.
Blood clots form when certain parts of your blood thicken, forming a semisolid mass. This process may be triggered by an injury or it can sometimes occur inside blood vessels that don't have an obvious injury.
The answer would be b. Medical terminology because that is the basics and that’s what they start you with in a beginner medical class.