Cor-Eng Partnership was formed on January 2, 20X1. Under the partnership agreement, each partner has an equal initial capital ba
lance accounted for under the goodwill method. Partnership net income or loss is allocated 60% to Cor and 40% to Eng. To form the partnership, Cor originally contributed assets costing $30,000 with a fair value of $60,000 on January 2, 20X1, while Eng contributed $20,000 in cash. Drawings by the partners during 20X1 totaled $3,000 by Cor and $9,000 by Eng. Cor-Eng's 20X1 net income was $25,000. Cor's share of Cor-Eng's 20X1 net income is
Explanation: Piggy back exporting is done by suppliers of a product and entails them supplying a certain function of the business only and just buying the actual product from local sellers. Another option can be that the supplier works with the local seller, and sells the seller's goods on behalf of seller for a commision. The suppliers are known as the carriers and the local sellers are known as the riders.
The customer entering the foregin market is the rider, and the suppliers supplying the parts ahd customer service is the carrier. The customer does not fully need to produce the product from scratch, and is able to acquire this from the suppliers who already have it. The custoemr, who is the rider, is thus able to "ride" on the back of the "carriers" back and ideas set in motion for their product.
Bill Wessels, as a strategic business unit (SBU) manager, is responsible for strategic planning, profitability, and performance of his business unit. The SBU is a separate identifiable business unit in an entity with other SBUs. It has a manager, who is largely autonomous in pursuing the business mission of the unit. It manages and accounts for its resource utilization separately from other units. Its performance is evaulated based on set criteria.
The part of the combined price allocated to the product is less than 50% which might be around 35-40%.
Since the price of the product all alone is $450 and the price of the service alone is $550, so the combined amount totals up to be nothing less than $1000. But the company under the discount and offer, offers the both things combined for $800.
This shows that the company is under some loss which it has to incur. The loss is of $200 under the discount to be offered to the clients which serves as the incentive to the customers.
A price increase motivates suppliers to avail more products for sale in the markets. High prices tend to have a high margin hence more profits. Like other businesses, oil producers are profit-motivated; they will supply more quantities if there is a high probability of making more profits.
The law of supply explains the correlation between supply and price. As prices increase, supply also tends to increase.