Then You Are An Alcoholic.
parents could pay more attention to their teens, the teens could have more self control, and parents could make it very clear that alcohol could kill teens and cause them to make poor choices which could be sever enough to rewin their life.
An electronic health record.(EHR)
The EHR, is a broader health information system which recorded both the normal traditional healthcare( hospitals and clinics) and the non -traditional healthcare.( e.g acupuncture, wellness information, patients behaviour and health education)
it is maintained by the patient , together with the health care providers.
it is both longitudinal and horizontal in its approach.
The least important role of nutrition in wellness is learning to eat a high fiber diet.
A diet naturally high in fiber includes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and is low in fat and high in alternative nutrients. High fiber diet is the least important role because overwhelming an excessive amount of fiber causes<span> </span><span>inauspicious</span> effects like cramping, constipation or dehydration.