The Holi Festival is wild: think big crowds, colored dye, water guns, music, dancing, and partying. During the Holi Festival, people dance through the streets and throw colored dye on each other. The Holi Festival is a happy time when people come together as one and let go of their inhibitions.
A.) because they became greedy and petty and “morally bankrupt”, and the “ gods” became angry because the people had lost their way and turned to immoral pursuits. Order says. As punishment, he says, the gods sent “ one terrible night of fire and earthquakes” that caused Atlantis to sink into the sea.
Many people are very scared that a stronger governent would mean less rights for individuals. States might prefer to decide things like voting laws, drinking/driving ages, or recycling laws by themselves.
Based o n the above situation, the stage of the Maslows selfawareness model is the conscious competence. The individual comprehends or knows how to accomplish something. Be that as it may, exhibiting the aptitude or learning requires fixation. It might be separated into steps, and there is substantial cognizant inclusion in executing the new aptitude.