Hitler became chancellor of Germany because President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him.
The Khmer Rouge took Cambodia in a bitter civil war with dire consequences.
The similarities are invisible.
is radydad here hello here
Explanation: conflict has led to many geographical shifts mainly in Europe. You have WW1 examples which resulted in many conflicts given all the violence that there was. You have treaties made without other countries’ consents like the Treaty of Versailles. You also have the creation of new countries such as Poland, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Latvia, the separation or independence of Hungary from Austria. Those small countries surrounding Russia were brought up to stop the spread of communism, since communism was spreading like a “plague” therefore communism wouldn’t reach the powers. Then you had Poland which was established and was used in other to block Russia’s attempt of fighting for land from the regions of the great powers. Poland was there as a sort of blockade between Russia and Germany, Britain, and France. Hope that is clearer:)