Answer: Observational Learning
Observational learning is kind of learning that occurs by observing the actions and behavior of others. It can be defined as a kind of social learning it can take various forms on the basis of various processes.
The given situation is an example of observational learning. Here, victor observes the CPR process performed by the instructor and tried it upon the second dummy.
I know. It's to disagree with everything they say and let your dad go get the milk
A- Public Healthcare
Public Healthcare refers to the health services rendered by government health workers for the welfare of the public i.e all members of a particular state. Public Healthcare is usually patronized by the minorities who can barely afford services of Private health centres
For social media views, bad influence, and being forced to do so.
Some teens push the limits when it comes to social media, doing anything for followers and views. Some teens go to school with some not so good kids and they give them a bad influence. Some teens are forced to do things for money or some other thing that they think has value.
Hope this helped you :)
Guns are cool but vilonce is not
Guns in Amerca are mostly used for recreation purposes but people do use them for bad things, And the people who do that, most of them got their fierarms illegaly. In fact, In america guns are used to save the lives of 500,000 to 3 million people each year by legal-firearm-owning Americans. According to the FBI. Their are also about 30,000 deaths related to fierarm involved crimes, so more crimes are stopped than killed with firearms. From my experiences with anti-gun activists is that they don´t know stuff about firearms. I know alot of people who think fully-automatic weapons are leagal. They are not. My point is, if you don know about somthing, dont pretend you do. thats just like me trying to ban keybord manufacturing when I don´t know nothing about the keybord industry. I reccomend you go to your local gun-shop and purchase a firearm, just a cheap one and see the back-ground check proccess. You might even not need to buy one, just aske them if you could see the background check proccess.