Answer: a. dead organisms from the marine food web.
c. liberation through ATP hydrolysis in living organisms.
Upwelling is a wind driven motion of lower bottom nutrient rich and warmer water on the surface of the water body. This wind driven motion facilitates the movement of nutrients available for growth of primary producers like phytoplanktons growing on the surface of water body. The dead organisms from the marine food web get decomposed and the organic matter obtain after decomposition is a rich source of phosphorous. This phosphorous gets transferred to the upper layers of the water body by upwelling. In aquatic organisms ATP hydrolysis occurs which is a catabolic process that uses water to split the bonds present in the ATP molecule and hence, releases energy for functions performed by them along with a release in phosphate atom. This phosphate gets mixed with the water. Therefore, PO32 come from dead organisms from the marine food web and liberation through ATP hydrolysis in living organisms that circulates due to upwelling.
Genetics affects speciation mostly via mutation caused due to adaptation and environmental conditions.
- The Speciation is defined as the evolution of a species into a distinct species. The cause of this could be several, and some of them could be environmental conditions, mutations, etc
- Environmental conditions include isolation of the species caused by mountain rise, river, flood etc. to survive they have to evolve or get adaptations to living in those conditions
- Mutation happens for many reasons, external factors can also cause the mutations to occur. It will also lead to speciation.
Green roof do have several advantages over ordinary roofs as follows.
Green roof are defined as the roof over which a thin layer of soil is placed to grow a thin layer of grass or other plants. This have several advantages as follows:
A. Green roof help in reducing water logging in roofs, thereby reducing the dampening of the concrete, and increasing the longevity of the roof.
B. It is actually energy saving, by reducing the summer temperatures by evaporation and transpiration. It also maintains a warm room temperature in winter by reducing the heat loss.
C. It's also actually low in budget. Its initial cost is more than ordinary roof, but the maintenance cost is very low, if not nill.
D. Its a place for recreational activities. Greenery in urban areas are very rare sight, which can be met through this project.
E. Green roofs provide a chance for urban agriculture.