Symbol Representation
I- laci mutant cannot bind to the operator
Is laci mutant always bind to the operator
OC Operator mutant that prevent repressors binding
F’ the wild type operator, O+, and laci gene on a plasmid
L lacZYA genes
I+ O+ L+ Inducible
I+ OC L+ Constitutive
I+ OC L+, F’ Constitutive
I- O+ L+, F’ Inducible
Is O+ L+ no transcription
Is O+ L+, F’ no transcription
Unlike endocrine glands, exocrine gland RELEASE SECRETIONS OUTSIDE OF THE BODY.
There are two types of glands in the body, the endocrine and the exocrine glands. The endocrine glands are ductless glands and their secretions are normally released directly into the blood stream. The exocrine glands on the other hand have ducts, through which their secretions are release outside the body. An example of this is the sweat gland.
Three Ways that Genetic Diversity Occurs During Meiosis ...
Three Ways that Genetic Diversity Occurs During Meiosis. Meiosis is the process by which most eukaryotic organisms, those with cells having an organized nucleus, produces sex cells, the male and female gametes. Cells normally have two copies of each chromosome, one donated from each parent. This is the diploid ...
There are cells
The reason that there are cells in the plant is because it has cells. Dont use this answer because I learned about this years ago and now forgot it but I think it has a certain cell in it but I forgot the name