The most widely used of the broader definitions of health is that within the construction of the world health organisation (WHO), which defien as:A state of complete physical, mental and social well being , and not merely the absence of disease infirmity. The meaning of health has evolved over time. Table of contents no hoarders.
Oh. Poor thing. Same.
I'm single. I'm a girl BTW.
The persistent stress for long period of time can change the behavior and biological performance of patient leading them to sever risk of heart diseases.
- Stress is the gateway for many diseases especially mental disorders.
- If prolonged stress in not examined and ignored for long period of time then his/her biological performance is hampered. The person might get dull and slow paced in every day to day activity.
- The extreme stress of any patient isolates them from the crowd and companies, leading them to depression and other casualties.
- The ultimate position for the prolonged stress is the heart disease and even heart attack.
whole wheat bagels are unhealthy and it says recently