Answer: Base units
The principal SI units that are used to derive all other SI units are called base units. The base units are the units of fundamental quantities e.g. M L T that is Mass, Length, and Time. All other physical quantities can be written in the fundamental dimension forms. The physical quantities are not measured directly but are build up from the building blocks that are the fundamental quantities which have base units.
40 mp/h; Vector
120/3 is 40 miles per hour.
Velocity is a vector measurement.
- Amanda
The power dissipated across a component can be calculated through the formula P=I^2xR
Substituting the values in we get P=(0.5)^2x10=2.5W
Red has the lowest energy and violet the highest. Beyond red and violet are many other kinds of light our human eyes can't see, much like there are sounds our ears can't hear. On one end of the electromagnetic spectrum are radio waves, which have wavelengths billions of times longer than those of visible light.