Simple Survey is a 100% native Salesforce application most frequently used to measure customer satisfaction.
Shyness personality traits
Shyness is a trait similar to social anxiety disorder but in very less quantity. This is difficult for shy people to adapt or adjust in that environment that is dominated by extrovert people. But for shy people, it is easy to come down to earth if he/she is a famous personality.
There is some proposition about shy people:
- Theses people modesty is attractive
- These people think first and react
- These people are more approachable by other people
- They have calming aura nearby them.
- Good in human services
- To appear more trustworthy
- Ability to overcome
- Make very deep friendship
- They work solitary work.
free trade among members
one of the effects of establishing the European union is establishment of free trade among members , i.e it does not restrict importation and exportation of goods and services among EU countries. it enhances free movements of citizen trough borders. European union has made trade easier for countries by reducing paper works, allowing single currency to trade with etc.
Cross-culturally, men tend to place greater emphasis on beauty in their preferences for a mate, and women tend to place greater emphasis on stature in their preferences for a mate
In the evolutionary function of selection partners, men are trying to find women whoa re the most suitable to bear their children, that is the women whoa re fit and look good.
This translates into the beauty standard that the men follow and they look for beautiful women.
The women meanwhile try to look for a man who can provide them with in their pregnancy and then can look after the children so they look for men with stature and the ones that are strong in their group
That statement is true
Proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt means that there are no longer logical explanation that can be used to proof that the defendants never commit the wrong doings.
Before being proven guilty like this, the media are not supposed to taint the good name of the defendant since united states court assume that all defendants are innocent until the verdict come. If the media already did so, they are required to make up for their mistakes by publicly clearing the defendant's name by the order of the court.