The mother contributes 50% to the child, and the father contributes the other 50% to make up the full 100% of the child's genes.
The spread of cancer from its point of origin is called metastasic cancer.
Metastasic cancer can also be identified as metastasized cancer as well. Most of the types of metastasic cancer cannot be cured with treatment, unlike others which can.
Yes!!! Jorge made lots of mistakes in citing references. He did not identified the source accurately to give credits to the original creators of the work, and here he says "according to materials I located through a google search". Which materials? from where?, which is the web page?.
If you want to follow APA rules for citing and we are taking into account it is a web site, this should go like this: AUTHOR -YEAR PUBLISHED-WEBPAGE TITLE- DATE YOU VIEWED THE WEB PAGE.
Head down is not a basic of dribbling in basketball