The answer is A an in-group-bias. Favoring ones own group rather than others.
The Eastern Desert served as an important mineral resource for the ancient Egyptians. Limestone, sandstone, granite, amethyst, copper and gold were among the stones and metals mined from the desert, and the remnants of thousands of quarries, camps and roads are scattered through the region's mountains and wadis.
Economic Empowerment and financial freedom
Economic Empowerment and Financial freedom, was highly talked about by Woolf. Furthermore, he sees the creative women as being unequal to men, as a result of the lack of <em>Economic Empowerment and financial freedom.</em>
Los estilos de vida sedentarios aumentan todas las causas de mortalidad, duplican el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes y obesidad, y aumentan los riesgos de cáncer de colon, presión arterial alta, osteoporosis, trastornos de lípidos, depresión y ansiedad.
espero que esto ayude
The correct answer is ''people were easily influenced to give the wrong answer.''
Solomon Asch (1951) was an American psychologist. The Asch experiment, was a famous experiment, designed to study conformity (degree to which the members of a social group will change their behavior, opinions and attitudes to fit with the opinions of the group), he wanted to study the influence of social pressure on people, the objective was to evaluate the responses of the individual under investigation, when the rest of the participants gave wrong answers on purpose. This was intended to allow Asch to determine how the individual's responses changed under the influence of peer pressure. The results of Asch's experiment were interesting showing that peer pressure can have a measurable influence on the answers given.