The Gulf stream carries WARM water fron the east coast of The United States to the West coast of Europe.
1. Fatty acid synthesis: it is the anabolic process though which the creation of fatty acids occurs in the cell from the molecules like acetyl-CoA and NADPH.
2. Fatty acid synthesis occurs by the enzyme fatty acid synthases.
3. Most of the acetyl-CoA which is required for the synthesis of fatty acids is derived from carbohydrates through the glycolytic pathway.
4. Fatty acid synthase of mammalian cell Contains ACP, which carries acyl groups attached through thioester linkages.
exponential growth
The organisms that are not native of a particular environment but are exposed to live in that particular environment are invasive species. Usually invasive species do not prove useful to the new area and prove harmful to the environment as well. There are some species of organisms that have been accidently introduced to new environment and have been accidently proven to be beneficial. Zebra mussels, being the native to Black Sea when arrived to North America flourished there.
The Neolithic marks the period when our specie developed farming and domesticated animals.
C. Medusa. Everything else on the list is a part of another creature, medusa is the only cnidarian here!