A person would take advantage of a non installment credit offer if there was no interest charged on on the loan. Many of these offers will not charge interest on the loans if the loan is paid off in a short amount of time. Usually within 3 to six months of the time the loan is started. These offers are usually for appliances and furniture. You can always ask the store you are visiting if they have these offers available. If you don't pay the loan off within the amount of time, you are then charged the interest and have a longer amount of time to pay the loan off.
The standard deviation of 75 dollars
Standard deviation, S.D.= 75 dollars; Mean, M= 225 dollars; Mean deviation, D= ?
S.D. = √ D² - M
∴ 75 = √ D² - 225
D² = 75² - 225 = 5625 + 225 = 5950
∴ D = √5950 = 24.4 dollars
From the above, it shows that, the standard deviation of 75 dollars contains the middle 95 percent of hourly sales.