In a basic scientific experiment, only one thing is changed. In this case, that is the amount of sugar added to the water.
A child’s home environment, parenting, education, availability of learning resources, and nutrition.
People die because of the sin in the world, when Adam and Eve were created they were not supposed to get sick or die they were allowed to do anything in the garden God put them in except take the fruit from this one tree but they disobeyed God and ate the fruit so God punished them and made them work very hard for a living and told them that they will soon die and all of their children will too (Which we are there children). So that is why people die based on my religious reasons.
Answer:-Theory proposes the world system as a set of mechanisms which distributes resources from the periphery to the core. -Wallerstein stated that the core is the more developed, industrial part of the world, and the periphery is the raw materials-exporting, poor part of the world.