a) Generate a new public and private key
You encrypt a message using the recipient's public key and the recipient decrypts the message using his own private key. Only the public key can be known by an external agent. The private key is for the individual and is not expected to be shared. In the event that the recipient cannot decrypt the message, it is unsafe to send one's private key to him. He does not even need one's private key to decrypt the message, he needs his own private key.
The best thing to do is to generate another means of security by generating new public and private key so that the sender encrypts the message with the new public key and the receiver decrypts it using his new private key.
Option B is wrong because, if the encryption is removed, the aim, which is to secure the message from intruders is not achieved.
estas son
El cáliz. Está formado por los sépalos, que son un conjunto de hojas verdes en la base de la flor.
La corola. Está formada por los pétalos que son hojas coloreadas en el interior de los sépalos.
Los estambres. Son los órganos masculinos de la flor. ...
El pistilo. Es el órgano femenino de la flor.
It is a Peer-to-peer type of network when you have implemented a network where each device provides shared files with all other devices.
So the answer is Peer-to-peer.
Definition: The unobservable market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in a free market to reach equilibrium automatically is the invisible hand. Description: The phrase invisible hand was introduced by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations'.
so ans is the invisible hand
hope help full thnk u❤️❤️❤️