Protein chicken. grains rice. dairy yogurt. fruits apples. veggies carrots
The three steps of using the Index includes:-
a) Crawling
b) File content extraction
c) Indexing
Index is hatched by recovering the information of every app as scheduled by the conductor. It is used through few steps, of which the three are- Crawling, File content extracting and indexing. Crawling deals with reading and getting access to all required entries for indexing.
In the next step, files were converted to extract the necessary contents for indexing. In the third step or indexing, the entries of the seed-list are processed in Lucene Documents, where it is showed like a data table or Index.
Understanding is the right answer
Parasitism, that should be the correct answer for this question!
The correct options is C.
Physical activity imparts great benefits on one's weight and the general health status. It has been recommended by the relevant institutions that one participate in physical activities on a weekly basis; at least three times in a week. This type of exercise helps to maintain one's weight in the right range.