Cell ten will have 460 chromosomes
Question: Two requirements for gas exchange which are accomplished by the gills in a fish include:
1. Water flowing in opposite directions across the gill lamellae for gas exchange, in other words, respiration is experienced by the fish.
2. The fish allows water through its mouth, then forces the water to drain through the gills supporting gill lamellae, and enhancing gas exchange.
Question: How does their structure help to satisfy these requirements?
1. The rows of gill filaments with numerous folds through diffusion makes sure oxygen from the water moves from a place of more concentration to the blood of the fish which has less concentration causing the removal of carbon dioxide.
2. The large surface area of the gill means it has to maximize the low percentage of dissolved oxygen in the water compared to the higher percentage of oxygen in the air makes it possible for water to pass through the mouth and empty through the gills after the mouth is closed.
7. Stress is the force applied to a rock, which may cause deformation of the rock. There are three major types of stress and go along with the three types of plate boundaries; Compression stress is common at convergent boundaries, tension stress at divergent boundaries, and the shear stress at transform boundaries. In this case the rocks have undergone tensional stresses.
8. Horst is a raised fault block bounded by normal faults. A horst is a raised block of the Earth's crust that has lifted, or has remained stationary, while the land on either side (garben) has subsided. Therefore the structure labeled A in the diagram is Horst.
9. A Graben; it is a valley with a distinct escarpment on each side caused by the displacement of a block downward. It often occurs side by side with the horsts. Horst and Graben structures indicate tensional forces and crustal stretching. Therefore, the structure labeled B is Graben.
I think the answer is A
As temperature rises, molecules move faster, so logically it would make sense that the answer would be A since the temperature rose from 10.0 to 10.7.
Damaged DNA causes an increase in the number of mutations in the cell: this is extremely dangerous for the body and in fact this process is at the basis of the birth of cancer cells.
To avoid this, the cell is equipped with some molecular protective systems including the activation of the p53 protein. p53 induces recruitment of DNA damage repair systems and stops cell replication until the damage has been repaired. If the damage cannot be repaired p53 induces cell death through apoptosis