Answer: Density-dependent limiting factors
<h3>Answer & Explanation .:</h3>
The woman inhales oxygen produced by the plant in the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS,
and she use it inside her body to release energy from the food molecules by the process of RESPIRATION also as a result of respiration Carbon dioxide gas is produced, which she exhales.
That carbon dioxide is absorbed from air by the plant and use it to prepare food from it in the presence of sunlight by the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS in which oxygen is also produced as byproduct which is then released to air and is then inhaled by the woman again to repeat the cycle.
Carbon is most abundant in the <u>atmosphere</u> and <u>hydrosphere</u>.
In the atmosphere, carbon is mostly present in the gaseous state of carbon dioxide. Plants absorb atmospheric carbon through photosynthesis and prepare food which is used by other living organisms. Respiration by plants and animals returns carbon back to atmosphere.
Next to atmosphere, carbon is abundant in the hydrosphere dissolved in water. Aquatic plants and marine organisms absorb carbon dissolved in water to prepare food. This carbon is also used to produce shells and other marine structures.
Carbon is also present in lithosphere and biosphere.
to get the breast milk flowing
Some women have difficulty to let-down their milk. In such cases, oxytocin nasal spray is prescribed to help bring about let-down of breast milk
Dark coloured fish living in lake B while bright colored fish living in lake A, each group of fush have same gene fool where random mating is possible and chances of speciation is null. However, when migration of one group of fish occur toward another group of fish then gene flow also occured. This result into breeding amongst members of two different groups. So the chances for speciation increase, and it is possible that with the passage of time new species may develop.