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A mixture is a substance that combines two or more substance that are physically combined. A mixture can be easily seperated by a physical means . A mixture is the combination of various substances that are not chemically combined .Examples of mixtures are cake and salad . The cake contains various substances like egg, flour and sugar. This mixture can be easily separated into it individual entities by a physical means .
Base on the option the only mixture among the option is salad . Salad is a a mixtures that combines substances like tomatoes , fruits and vegetable. The individual substances that makes up the salad can be easily separated.
Sugar is a compound . Water is a compound as it contains two elements and potassium is an element.
1 molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of C, 12 atoms of H , and 6 atoms of 0.1 mole of glucose contains 6 moles of C atoms , 12 moles of H atoms , and 6 moles of O atoms .
Compressions are regions of high pressure due to particles being close together
rarefactions are regions of low pressure due to particles being spread further apart
Longitudinal waves are often demonstrated by pushing and pulling a stretched slinky spring