This time is divided into three stages, called trimesters.
First trimester, spans from conception to 12 weeks
Second trimester, spans from weeks 13 and 28.
Third trimester, spans from weeks 29 to 40.
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Mendel's law about Independent Assortment states that traits are determined without the influence of other traits.
The correct answer is option d.
2. The function of wings is flight
Human impact on the environment
The more industries created, the more the levels of population of the environments,
Activities of man on the environment from damaging of ozone layers, to effect on greenhouse gasses also leads to environmental change
The Industrialization which leads to destruction and clearing of the forests affects the ecosystem by leading to global warming,through increase in atmospheric C02.
Completed Question.
a) urbanization b) people overpopulation c) industrialization d) international fertility rates e) human impact on the environment