Información del autor. Antes de su muerte, Jesús de Nazaret fue torturado que incluyó latigazos, golpes, y por último su crucifixión. Hemos querido conocer como fue ese sufrimiento desde el punto de visto médico . La causa de la muerte, según los especiliatistas habría sido un edema pulmonar.
Author information. Before his death, Jesus of Nazareth was tortured which included whipping, beatings, and finally his crucifixion. We wanted to know how that suffering was from a medical point of view. The cause of death, according to specialists, would have been pulmonary edema.
It is recommended to exercise an hour at a time because ligaments, joints, and muscles get weak after an hour of exercise which can increase the risk of injury.
D, No, managing your personal life requires a different set of skills.
<em>I hope this helped at all, sorry if its incorrect.</em>
It suggests getting a physician's input before starting.