I do not know spanish please say in english
Because machine (cpu) can only execute machine code(language).
Resource Ownership and Scheduling execution
In process characteristic the characteristic is
- Resource ownership
- Scheduling / Execution
In Resource ownership, the OS performs a protection function where unwanted interference in processes are with resources
In scheduling execution, the process has execution state and scheduled. They can be separated by resource ownership.
The dispatching of the process is the lightweight process, and it is multi-threading. The ability of the operating system supports the single concurrent process.
The process is a unit in the resource protection and protected the CPU and other processes. It contains the multiple thread execution
Each thread contains the running, ready state and saved the thread context and access the memory. Some necessary activities of the various threads are the same address space and the resources.
The reasons for Blue Screen Of Death are as following:-
- Faulty Memory.
- Power Supply Issue.
- Overheating of Components.
- Malfunctioning Hardwares.
- Poorly coded device drivers.
- Hardware runnign beyond it's capacity.
- Bugs in the Operating System Kernel.
These are the some of the reasons why the blue screen of death is caused.
Can you be specific what do you want to send a friend request on? because just saying how do i send friend request is not specific>