You model a decimal using a fraction :
multiply the denominator and numerator by 10 for every number after the decimal point after we change the decimal in fractions with the denominator 1
<h3>Further explanation
Fraction numbers are known as numerators and denominators
On a number line, fractions are expressed in points that lie between two integers
The general form of fractions is
a = numerator
b = denominator
Decimal numbers are numbers in which there are commas or decimal points.
The value of each number in decimal numbers is based on a comparison of the number 10
In a decimal system, the numbers have the following consecutive values (the place value of the digits in a number): hundred thousands, ten thousands, one thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, decimal points, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths
Between ones and tenth values separated by commas (decimal points)
Decimal numbers can also be expressed as proper or mixed fractions
The position of each digit in decimal numbers is important.
Because the decimal number is based on the number 10, As we move left, each position is 10 times bigger, and As we move right, each position is 10 times smaller
On the left of the decimal point is a whole number
To convert a Decimal to a Fraction there are several steps:
- 1. Write down the decimal in fractions with the denominator 1
- 2. We multiply the denominator and numerator by 10 for every number after the decimal point.
- 3. Simplify the fraction if needed

if there is a whole number part, set aside first, make changes to the fraction then return it at the end

<h3>Learn more
place value
spend practicing instruments
Round 141,999 to the nearest tenth, hundredth, ten, and hundred.
Keywords: decimal, decimal point, fraction, convert a Decimal to a Fraction