The first Book in the New Testament of the Bible, "The Gospel of Matthew" is a book that provides some of the most prominent sermons of Jesus Christ. It details how the Messiah came to earth to save the sinners, was deceived and betrayed, then killed on the cross just to save the people of the world from eternal da mnat ion.
This book also contains parables, like the parable of the lamp under a basket (Matthew 5), new wine in old skin (Matthew 9), workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20) and the faithful servant (Matthew 24) among others. This gospel also contains the numerous miracles like the healing of the two blind man (Matthew 9), the deaf man (Matthew 9) and the chapters 8, 9, 12 etc all details the numerous miracles he performed. It also contains the Sermon on the Mount which includes the famous Beatitudes (Matthew 5). The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25) is also one of the prominent messages found in this book.
Thus, it is true that The Gospel of Matthew provides some of Jesus’ most prominent sermons, parables, and miracles, plus a record of important messages such as the Sermon on the Mount, the parables of the kingdom, and the Olivet Discourse.
B. Weber's law.
Weber's law: The Weber's law is also known as the Weber-Fechner law and is defined as the size of JND i.e, just noticeable difference (represented with delta I) is of constant proportion to that of the value of the original stimulus. In other words, the law states that the increment threshold ratio concerning the background intensity is similar.
Example: A person needs to shout to be heard by the person in any noisy place.
In the question above, the given statement best illustrates the Webers's law.
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