A metal, an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, opaque, shiny, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity. Is this what you are asking?
quantity supplied
Because businesses seek to increase revenue, when they expect to receive a higher price for something, they will produce more of it.
Answer: avoider
This is a type of person who despises confronting situations or issues they would rather they sit down properly and deal with the issue in a more calmer way .
We all hate confrontation however it is necessary sometimes in order to tackle the issue and get it done with other wise we may find ourselves delaying issues or banking them which on its own is also not healthy.
Michael wants to work with what he already knows so that he can avoid the conflict that may arise from discussing what is not known.
Answer: b. Combine physical contact with verbal praise
This is the best option of the options listed. Combining physical contact with verbal praise can have the effect of augmenting the verbal praise and giving it more power so to speak. For example, saying congratulations and then shaking a person's hand can really increase the weight of the congratulatory remark.
Using this method instead of the other options will help avoid confusion in the child as well as reduce the chance of the praise becoming meaningless as it was said one too many times.