Molecule with an unequal distribution of charge, resulting in the molecule having a positive end and a negative end
There are several abiotic factors that limit ecosystem growth, including temperature, precipitation, sunlight, soil configuration, and soil nutrients.May 19, 2009
Some examples of physical evidence that supports scientific theories that earth has evolved over geologic time are the studies have have been done supporting the idea of Pangaea that all the continents were together and with time separated, if you look at a map you can see that the continents almost fits like a puzzle, of course they do not because of erosion and climate change, but it’s the closest example.
Electricity is a flow of tiny particles called electrons which can travel through wires. This flow is often called an 'electric current'. Just like water, which can only flow down a hill, an electric current can only flow if there's something to give it a 'push'.
sorry if im incorrect
An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton like a crab and a centipede.