The correct answer is option B.
As one starts to consume alcohol, it exhibits a specific acute influence on the brain. As a significant concentration of blood is pumped via the brain, it mainly gets influenced by the alcohol when one is having a high blood alcohol concentration. Due to the presence of high concentration of neurons, the brain becomes extremely sensitive to chemicals like alcohol, which influence the CNS.
Alcohol makes the neurons to exhibit more difficulty in transmitting signals, which signifies that the mental activity will get hugely diminished due to intoxication. Drinking affects the mental tendencies and muscular activities that make an individual clumsy and slow.
It initiates by affecting the higher learning center, resulting in a loss of focus, memory, judgment, and reason. After that deterioration of muscle control takes place as the coordination and reflexes get hampered. Even in certain cases, the death of an individual takes place as the brain loses the tendency to transmit signals to monitor the vital organs.