They have a directly proportional relationship.
caused by the greater column of water that pushes down on an object submersed. Conversely, as objects are lifted, and the depth decreases, pressure is reduced. I hope this helped you out.
A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. This can be beneficial if the change gives a new function to or improves the function of that gene.
<span>The above is a definition. But one must really define "beneficial". Some regard it as beneficial if it helps the specific individual who has it. Others would think it beneficial if it produced some survival advantage that insured more descendents for that individual. </span>
<span>It is the difference between a mutation that allowed for greater athletic ability, but a decreased desire for offspring, versus a more moderate athletic enhancement, but a greater desire for offspring. </span>
<span>The small percentage of ways to improve an organism, versus the near infinite ways of harming the organism, mean that most mutations are not going to be beneficial. At best, they will be "inconsequential" - such as a new shade of eye color, or a mole on a section of your skin. </span>
The populist notion of "powers" that can come from mutations is wildly inaccurate. Even assuming a minor power like the ability to see infra red radiation would take thousands upon thousands of mutations over vast amounts of time. A mutation for blindness is far more likely.
<span>It should also be noted that the traditional model of evolutionary theory no longer applies to man. We don't allow changes in our environment, and without such changes, there is no need for one trait more than another to predominate. After all, it is irrelevent that a mutation might allow for greater speed in running, when everyone drives a car.</span>
Prokaryotes reproduce by *BINARY FISSION* which creates *2*exact daughter cell clone(s) of the original parent cell.
Antagonsitic effect/interaction/response
In order to combat antiobiotic resistance, and to possibly enhance the activity of antibiotics, they are sometimes used in combinations during treatment. However, three possible responses or effects can manifest.
First is antibiotic synergy, where the combined effect of the antibiotics enhances the activity/potency of the treatment compared to when the antibiotics are administered singly.
The effect is also distinguished from another type of response, which is additive effect, where the combined effect of the antibiotics is more or less equal to the combined activity/potency of each of the antibiotic when applied singly. Antibiotic synergy results in even greater enhancement of the activity of the combined antibiotics compared to additive effect.
Lastly, there is the antagonistic effect or response, where the combined effect of the antibiotics results in the weakening of the potencies of the antibiotics relative to the combined (additive effect) potencies of each of the antibiotics.
<span>Archaeas and Bacterias are both Prokaryotes. Both used to be classified in Monera kingdom, but later genetists found that they have actually very different genes, despite they both have a similar metabolism. So they think they have a totally different evolutionary origin and they decided to classify them in 2 different domains. The other domain, Eukarya, includes every other organism (all the ones who are not Prokaryots), which are: plants, animals, fungi and protists.</span>