Answer: B.
Capacitors prevent current from moving through a circuit
If a direct voltage is applied on the capacitor, no conduction current flows through the capacitor if its insulating medium is perfect insulator. This is due to the fact that there are no free charge carriers in such medium. Basically the real insulator contains very few charge carriers and therefore a very small leakage current passes in the capacitor depending on the conductivity of the insulator.
If an alternating voltage is applied on the capacitor, a displacement current passes through the capacitor irrespective of the insulating medium. This current is termed also the capacitive current. It flows because of changing electric displacement with time.
<h3>JAWAB SECEPATNYA pliss</h3><h3 /><h3>Anda memiliki rangkaian paralel 10 volt, dengan 2 resistor di atasnya. Berapakah tegangan pada</h3><h3>resistor pertama? Di seberang kedua?</h3><h3 /><h3>(saya akan menandai tercerdas tolong bantu)</h3>
Hukum Ohm
= tegangan
= kuat arus
= ketahanan
Kalau kamu mau mencari tegangan listrik, kamu gunakan rumus V = I.R. Kalau ternyata kamu perlu mencari kuat arus listrik, maka gunakan rumus I = V/R. Nah, kalau yang kamu cari adalah hambatan listrik, maka gunakan rumus R = V/I.
471 N
Weight is just another word for the force of gravity.
Weight is a force that acts at all times on all objects near Earth. The Earth pulls on all objects with a force of gravity downward toward the center of the Earth (g-9.81 m/s2)
so we can simply say
weight =mass * gravitaitonal acceleraition
= 48 * 9.81
=470.88 N
= 471 N