<span>Before beginning any exercise regimen, you should always consult your health care professional and have a physical examination. The medical examination will reveals the suitability of the exercise to your condition. People living with some disease conditions can not undergo some types of training exercises.</span><span />
Healthy example of fat are cheese, fish since there are many benefits to fish, olive oil. Although these are fats, they contribute to making ur body healthier
1. Gender neutral names :
2. Gender neutral roles and professions :
Police officers
3. Officers and personnel of armed forces like military and police is the prime example of a profession that was earlier done by males but now are performed by women also.
object permanence
In the year 1936 Jean Piaget,a Psychologists proposed the theory of cognitive development in children. Jean Piaget started this theory after he observed his children behaviour and with this he divided the cognitive development in children into four stages which are given below;
===> sensorimotor stage: from the the time babies are giving birth till they are 2 years old. In the stage, Piaget discussed schemata.
===> Preoperational stage: this stage is from 2 years old to 4 years old.
===> Concrete operational stage: is a stage that occurs between the ages of 7 to 10.
===> Formal operation stage: this is the last stage for cognitive development in children. It occurs from the ages of 11 to adolescence.
Kindly check explanation
Sports and games has proven to be a unification tool over the years with each sport team representing a whole nation to sporting events including the world cup and Olympics to mention a few.
Team work : A sports team is not only composed of single ethnic faction but a combination of diverse ethnic and cultural groups. In spite of these differences, the need to win supercedes which could only be achieved by working together (teams play). This spirit and network has played a role in holding firm grip on national unity.
Wholesale Economic development and growth has stemmed from the socioeconomic impact of sports as hosting a major sporting event could bring about a monumental change in the economy of a nation for many years even after the convulsion of the event of adequately managed.
The motivational effect of sports on the mentality of the young population cannot be downplayed as they aim to emulate the success of their sporting icons.
The effectivemess of a nation in a certain area of sport could pave the way for collaboration from other nations towards the development of such sporting activity in their own country. This creates foreign bond and relationship with oversea countries leading to easier and better trading opportunities.