<u>Motor neurons </u>send messages to the muscles and glands to respond to stimuli.
<u>Sensory neurons </u>move information towards the central nervous system for processing.
<u>Interneurons </u>carry information from one type of neuron to another.
- Neurons are basic structural and functional units of Nervous system.
- Neurons possess electrical excitability, the ability to respond to a stimulus and convert it into a action potential.
- Neurons can be classified on the basis of their structure and function.
- On the basis of structure neurons are classified as, Multipolar neuron;Bipolar neuron; Unipolar neuron.
- On the basis of function neurons are classified as, Afferent or sensory neuron; Efferent or motor neurons; Interneurons or association neurons.
A jellyfish is a heterotroph, it gets energy from eating, autotrophs produce their own energy
I feel happy and sorry.
I have different feelings when I go back and analyze the decisions and actions I have taken in the past few days because some of my decisions are right and some are wrong. I feel happy when I go back and find out my decision and actions were right, while on the other hand, I feel sorry when I find out that some of my decisions and actions were wrong.
Go over to the panicked people and ask what happened.
I hope this helps you!
Hope this will helpful to you......
We know the sky is blue by using the sense of sight
We know candy is sweet by using the sense of taste
we feel the fragrance of rose by using sense of smell
we know about beautiful guy by sense of sight
we know about stuff of clothe by sense of touch
we know about the quality of music by sense of hearing
we enjoy our food by feeling different tastes through sense of smell
we know about hardness of rock through sense of touch
we enjoy our talkings through sense of hearing
we do different tasks by using combination of our senses.......