The following are the key terms matching their definitions:
Command Economy: A system where the government tells producers what and how to
Planned Economy: An economic system run by the government.
Socialist Regime:<u> </u>A system aimed at equality of wealth among its members.
Theory: An idea about how something should be organized.
Minimum Wage: The lowest hourly wage that can legally be paid to an employee.
Mixed Economy: A system that follows both free-market and command principles.
Michael Phelps won the most Olympic medals
Actually the studying the Egyptian civilization is mandatory if you wish to study the ancient history and its civilizations. The Egyptian civilization is considered as one of the very first that was built on the principle of unity as a whole state or entity, and it kept on spreading that at times, it reached from the Levantine to the North-West of Africa. The Mesopotamian civilizations, the Helenstic civilization, the Babylonian civilization and the Phoenician civilization were affected by the Egyptian civilization in one way or another.
Besides, The study of the Egyptian civilization is an interesting topic since it reached a level of development that was hard to reach at that age (the pyramids for example). Many sciences thrived and were practised in ancient Egypt. There's even some secrets that have been uncovered so far, despite all the technological advance we have reached, such as the secret chemicals that were used in the mummification and preserving the dead.
answer is c. because they implement the laws
Answer: The four stages of social movements are bureaucratization, emergence, decline and coalescence.
Emergence: It is the initial stage of social movement. The movement attains little to no organization at this stage and the goals are unclear.
Coalescence: It is the second stage and it is associated with the discontent and social agitation against the opposing party for which the movement has created.
Bureaucratization: It is the stage in which the social movement raises awareness and reaches up to a higher level of organization.
Decline: This is the last stage which can achieve either success or failure. In this stage repression of the complainants or co-optation when the authorities and the complainants reach a conclusion.