You changed the mixed numeral into a fraction correctly.
Now you need to multiply the fractions.
Multiply the numerators together, and multiply the denominators together.
Now we could multiply out the numerator and denominator, and then we'd need to reduce the fraction, but before we multiply, we see there is a factor of 5 both in the numerator and in the denominator, so we can reduce before we multiply.
x =
Step-by-step explanation:
3x+6 = 4x^2
4x^2 -3x -6 = 0
x =
D) Fluid ounce
Step-by-step explanation:
Fluid ounces are a <em><u>unit used to measure volume</u></em>, or <em>how much space something takes up.</em> This measurement is used for liquid ingredients, like water or milk. When a recipe calls for fluid ounces, go ahead and pull out your measuring cup; it's the most accurate way to measure this.
I hope this helps, and stay safe!! :)</h2>
Step-by-step explanation:
Remember the arc is equal to the central angle, so ab will equal angle APB. they told you angle APB is a right angle, how many degrees is this? that is what ab will be also:)