I wont write the whole 3 paragraphs but ill give you ideas. so you can write out what you do can how that keeps you safe.
For driving:
Seatbealt-if i get into a crash it will help me not fly out of the car
Not texting or eating while driving- keeps me focused so i dont crash into something
I drive at the speed limit-so if i have to suddenly stop then it is easier to do so
I wear the appropriate work uniform-to keep me safe from things Ex-if you are a construction worker you wear glassess, gloves and a hard hat to keep you safe from things flying or falling
Leisure activities
I dont leave the stove on then walk away-prevent the house catching on fire
I check the fire alarms every 3 months- to make sure if there are fires they will work
Stuff like that.
Scooting football who is 60 years old
They are safe and unsafe at the same time
The person who gets the drug at the pharmacy is controlled but the person who has it can give it to anyone. This is a problem because prescription drugs are safe for that one specific person but if anyone else takes it can be deadly for them.