option A
Cones provide colour vision while rods cells do not produce colour vision. Rods provide the vision in the dull light (darkness or night), whereas cones are known to give the vision during the day or bright light; Rod cells are more sensitive to light than cone cells and both do have visual pigments with the rod cells possessing rhodopsin and the cone cells having photo-opsins.
yo I cannot see the image
We determine the mass of the metal in grams by weighing it using the balance.
Next we obtain the volume of the metal by measuring its displacement with a graduated cylinder and water in the following way:
1.measure amount of water in the graduated cylinder.
2. Place metal into the graduated cylinder
3. Measure the amount of water in the graduated cylinder
4. Subtract step 1 from step 3. The difference is the metal's volume.
Once we have found out the mass and the volume then we calculate the density using the formula:
Density = Mass/Volume.
We then check our answer from the known densities of metals in the table of densities that has been provided and determine the identity and purity of the metal by how close our answer is to the most probable value in the table.
A complex chemistry is most related to maintaining a stable internal environment.