The release price for each parcel is $13,215.
Release price for each parcel = [3500000/(5000000*80%)]*15000
= $13,215
Therefore, The release price for each parcel is $13,215.
The correct answer is option c.
The law of diminishing returns states that as we go on employing additional inputs the return or payoff from each unit of input will become smaller or go on declining. This means that after a certain point the total output will start increasing on a decreasing rate as we go on hiring more inputs.
In other words, the marginal product of inputs will go on declining with each additional unit of input employed. As a result after reaching a certain point, the marginal product starts to decline.
please Elaborate like how much money do you have or something
So i have an undisclosed amount of candy with me and i decide one day to give it to you, only catch is that i will give it to you in instalments or piece by piece starting from tomorrow all thru until infinity (or when either of us dies). now i don't have an infinite supply of candy but I'm going to give this to you in parts for an infinite amount of time. from this we know that anything finite divided by infinity is zero. so unfortunately you'll be getting negligible amounts of candy just like ysla will get negligible sums of money from mr. sneaky silva.
if mr. silva keeps the balance in his account and it accrues interest over time, EVEN then it doesn't beat annuity for an infinite amount of time. so max is 0.
False :
because a product modification occurs when changes are made in how the product functions, its quality, or some aesthetic characteristic of the product.
(Here it’s says only the aesthetic but it’s all)